
Showing posts from August, 2008

Reflection of Singapore Trip

Well, I guess the time has come for me to do a bit of reflection over my 5-day trip in Singapore. True enough, it is anything but easy to condense my thoughts and everything into just one entry. I think no matter how lengthy it might be, it is not going to really convey my innermost feeling about the trip. My bad! My bad! I should have written five entries for my trip, each one written out at the end of each day. Never mind! Let me just try to give a generalized statement here! It was FUN and MEMORABLE! Despite the fact that Pheary and I had to squeeze into this really really " space-deprived" rented room somewhere near Botanic Garden, we had as much fun as we would otherwise have had staying in a more spacious room. But then the major problem was with the bathroom!! It was not really like a bathroom given the truth that I could barely move each time i was taking a shower, and to make matters worse, it was more like a toilet!! However, it was cheap, only 30 bucks per person p...

My IQ Score

Image - Free IQ Tests


Be still, and know that I am God, Be still, and understand That you are Mine, and I am yours, This was forever planned. Be still, accept the Love and Light that I to you do send. Communication is the key if you and I would blend. Be still, and hear the Still Small Voice, as I provide the key That gives direction to you as you journey home to Me. Be still, so I can reach within and touch your very soul, To lead you ever onward to your spiritual goal. Be still, these words did calm the waves and cause...


What is your goal in life? Material possessions? Friendship? Love? I am not sure anymore! I think it is important that we set the ultimate goal and the means of reaching the goal well before we set off. It's like if you think you live for money, then of course that's your goal in life. So then you probably start thinking of ways to get rich. Venturing into businesses nobody has ever step foot into before? Getting to the top in the government seats so that you can start sucking money out of the sweat and blood of the entire population? Or even considering bank robbery as an option? But it is going to be an entirely different scenario if you goal is, say, to be happy. Chances are that even if you have a clear goal in mind, at some point in life the compass of your goal might point to another different direction, quite a far cry from what you expect! Then a whole string of changes will start surfacing, so much and so often so that you are totally lost in the middle of nowhere. It ...


Let us all make a wish!!! Close your eyes!!! Think of the things you want most now!!! Ok...ready? Let's pray!!! Please!!! I want inner peace!!! Please suck away all these uncertainties, all the worries!!! Please grant my wishes--you know what they are, come on!!! Please!!! I need something uplifting now, something that keeps pushing me forward!!! I need a "window"!!!