
Showing posts from September, 2008

The Good Old Time (2003)

I got this pic from Mov's facebook profile. Oh man!!! This pic is almost as old as our friendship. We were small and innocent and pretty carefree back then. If i am not mistaken, the pic was taken during our field trip to the Science Center, and those so many energetic young faces you are staring at were scholars from most of the ASEAN countries. Nostalgic indeed!!! Too bad that we have lost touch for quite some time now, and i have no idea what most of them are up to now. Loads of thanks to Mov, without whom i would not have had a chance to get hold of this priceless pic. At least in those many years ahead, i have got a pic of everyone smiling at hand, to which i can always refer for recalling sake.

Singapore Trip: 14th-19th of August

Posing at Orachard Road...:-)
Girl talks!!! No guys allowed!! A Very Spelling-binding beauty of the glittering skyscrapers projecting up high in the dark sky... Me: Ouch!! No! Please don't hurt me!! Pheaktra: Don't you dare disagree with me!! Crazy faces!!! Who is the craziest, you think? A bunch of girls posing in the middle of nowhere...So camera-loving, huh?lolz..
Any fools would know that i am definitely more handsome...(pathetic, right?lolz...) Pheaktra: Lift!!! Pheary: I am lifting!! Me: Come on!! Doesn't look heavy at all!!! Couples leaning on each other!! Sweet, right?? Three beauty queens!!! (You think so?? Nah!!!I dun!!!) I love this pic! Look at the background!! So beautiful!!!
Yummy!!! Hokkaido ice cream!!! Botanic Garden!! Pole-dancing!!! Barbecuing at East Coast!!! The chicken tasted really good. Still got loads left after the BBQ On a night stroll! It was quite a while before we could hop into vacant taxis.
At Singapore River Creative pose, isn't it? At Bugis with my batchmates and bong Sim before dinnertime At dinner table Nan: I AM FAMISHED!!! Pheary: I can go on empty stomach all day long. All i need is MY CAMERA Mov: hey folks, look at my hair! Nice or not? Vattey: Let me in! Let me in! Hey, nan, you're blocking me!!! Bong Sim: (smiling)

Phrase of the Day

Whether you think you CAN do it or you CAN'T, you are always RIGHT!!!

Graduation 06/08

A final good-bye to IFL!! The graduation ceremony was over already, and despite the fact that it was pretty hectic and super exhausting, we managed to have some fun too. And of course it is now worth mentioning that I got a chance to walk onstage twice!!! People could easily recognize me on that day 'cos I was wearing this red striped shirt. And guess what? i STUCK OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB!! Well, it was not entirely bad! Just one glance at my shirt, people could go like, "Arh!!! It's HIM!!!" Despite the fact that I was only the 9th most outstanding student in school--which was supposed to be sth that upset me, I was feeling okay back then. But to be very frank, i really felt bad for Marineth, who came 7th, much to the shock of everyone. I expected her to top the school, given all her hard work and all. Well, it is at this point that people started talking about the unfairness and all. And yeah, i think it is NOT FAIR TOO!! I am not saying this just because of the fact t...