
Showing posts from September, 2009

Dry Noodles

Was at the Lucky Supermarket last night. Was trying to look for this type of packaged instant dry noodles. Suddenly my stomach really craved for it! Too bad I could not remember what it was called, so had to spend a hard time browsing through the shelves. And the Lucky guy was of little help. I asked him loads of questions, but he could not manage to give me any satisfactory answers. I still remember the taste on the tip of my tongue. Though the last time i ate that type of noodles was years back when i was in Singapore, the taste still lingered there. But then there was nothing specially good about the taste. I just missed it, though. Anyway, after some good minutes of my time were wasted searching for the noodles, I had no choice but to pick the thai dry noodles instead. Well the taste was not the same, but at least it was not too bad! My bro even gave two thumbs up for that! Will have to go buy more this time! A good oldie is richer in taste...

highs and lows

Gosh! I dunno what is happening to me! Been plagued by the highs and lows of my emotions! Could not discover what the cause is! Can't believe that despite the fact that now school has resumed, I still let all the unhealthy irrational thoughts clog up my brain. What am I unhappy about? And why all this loneliness, all of a sudden? I really think I must think of something to look forward to! But what can I look forward to? Cannot think of one! Nothing is crossing my mind right now besides this sudden upsurge of overwhelming emotions! Hate it when i get emotional, but can't help it too! Kinda feel there is a big hollow void within me! And it has nothing to do with love, i am sure. Oh man!! It sucks feeling this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am just one week away from being thrown back into the hustle and bustle of IFL life, and though my Battambang trip just ended yesterday, I am already feeling restless and maybe aimless at the same time. Well it's all about how I feel lately. Guess being too free kinda explains why. But during a time like this, it would be a really uplift of spirit if my friends showed signs of care. Maybe it is not so much about attention and care that I crave for. It should be more about my knowledge that they are always there should I need them that matters. Too bad I am not feeling that way right now! It has been almost three weeks since we last met, yet I do not even receive an sms or a call from any of them. Well, it is probably always me who has to be the ice-breaker. But sometimes I find it sickening! Ok maybe they are overwhelmed with too many things now, or maybe they just simply do not give a damn about it! And when I am under this impression, I cannot help but feel kinda disappointed. ...


Another rainy day! Dunno why I am feeling so lonely all of a sudden, and dunno who to turn to either. Maybe it is the weather. Or maybe it is the songs. Dunno why exactly! I hate it when loneliness keeps me company. And there is nothing that could lift my spirit at this instant. So though it is late over here (8: 00pm), I have to write sth here. At least it helps when I can pour things out of my head. Well, guess the rain does more than just flood the streets. It, in fact, also sets perfect mood for making your stomach twist and turn for certain reasons. Hope I will feel better soon...

Grad Day 2009: 05/09/09

It's Graduation Day for the 17th batch tomorrow at IFL. I cannot believe that it has been one year since I graduated from IFL. Join me to congratulate them all!!! It is a new beginning of another life engery-sucking journey that some of them might, while some others might not, be ready to endure. Stripping off the old status as a student, the fresh graduates have to slip into the work suits, attached to which are so many informal norms and rules which are not taught at school, but which are supposed to be learnt over the course of their daily work lives. It is time they step out of the comfort zone to explore the reality, a harsher side of the reality! They all have my blessings!!!!