Dark force ...
Recently my mood swings like crazy, and it affects everything I do and everyone I meet. Well, I usually find myself making a mountain out of a small mole. You see, the thing with this mood is it somehow manages to hit the "Silent" button, and then there I go again: the crappy thoughts keep squeezing their way through into my brain. One thing leads to another and before I know it, imaginary problems with size of a mountain take form. Why do the "silent" mode and why the crappy thoughts? I don't know!!! After some time I am almost convinced that these have something to do with "superior" power? The movement of some unlucky stars into the so-called "life chart"? I know this makes little sense to you, and probably it gets you thinking, "First, Fengshui, and now THIS?" Well, I read books related to astrology and craps like that, and some even predict the kind of things and problems that might occur according to certain months because of...