After the Storm...

I was restless last night given the fact that exam was over and there was no need to cram for anything. So out of nowhere this sudden upsurge of desire to rummage for the old photo albums found its way in my mind. Succumbing to the temptation, I opened the drawer, withdrew one dust-covered album after another, and took great pleasure in tracing all the little details of each photo. Some photos were really funny, especially those taken in my childhood years. I could not help smiling to myself. And then there were those really nice pictures taken with my seniors, juniors and friends in Singapore. It then came to be as a blow that I should have taken loads and loads of photos with them. Really regret that now! Now I come to the realization that in this world things change. So do people. But capturing photos is a way to keep them “still”. Anyway, the following are some of the pics taken decades ago that I’d like to share with al of you.

Gathering at ESCAPE

This was at Escape, the only theme park in Singapore. Just bought a $16 ticket each and we were able to spend the whole day taking as many rides as possible. This time we, the seniors, brought our juniors there to the park to scream their stress off. I remember taking so many rides on the Ship with Nan and Mov that Mov almost threw up. What a shame…hehe!

Leak's Birthday

It was shot in Chinese High Boarding School on the Leak’s birthday. In case you are wondering which one is Leak, well, just look at the one hugging the bear. It was so fun, I must say. My seniors, juniors, batchmates and some other friends like Ken, the Hong Konger in orange and Yuki, the bespectacled girl in black, were all there. If I am not mistaken, my batchmates and I bought this gift in the bookshop in the boarding school itself. Looking at this picture reminds me of Ken. He was such a gifted kid with eleven years of age then. He was so smart, but then he got this problem with skin rashes or something just after weeks after his stay in Sinagpore, given its warm climate. Hehe…then we have Mov. He looked ridiculous there with his hairstyle. And yeah…Bro Hok with his braces…Vattey! Very young there!

Ice Cream

This picture was in 2002—if I am not mistaken—at Chinese High Boarding School, Singapore. Which one is me? Well, the one in red:-). Those are my batchmates. I remember purchasing that ice cream we were eating in one of the shops nearby. And there were no spoons with which we could use to eat, so I remember sneaking into the Dinning Hall with Phea, the one in white shirt, to get some spoons. And as you all can see, on the table there were some other extra spoons lor…The ice cream didn’t taste that “good”, but I LOVED the eating contest lolz…Nan and Vattey looked really happy with their ice cream. Leak was kind of fed up or something lor…As for Mov, I am sure he was grateful to be eating a FREE ice cream.


Anonymous said…
Hey Vendy, you know what? last night the new junior asked me whether I plan to bring them out this CNY or not. This reminded me of our first CNY here too! I still have that photo on my table! Remember, we were all wearing red color t-shirt. Hahah.
Barbie said…
Nice post here, Vendy. I'm a brand new visitor. Got ya adr from Vattey's blog(^,^)

Absolutely right, let's begin our new day with SMILE...:-)
Anonymous said…
Hey! I miss you loads! Next time i see you i will definitely tonnes of pictures with you and you cannot run away! Keep that in mind! hahahaha....
Anonymous said…
Hey Vendy, Mov will be very angry with you if he sees these pictures. lolz.
Unknown said…
Oops, that's a gud way out of various to keep memories u know.. maybe that's one of the reason i like takin' keepin' foto u know.. it's like thousands of photos i've printed out n some are stored in mah hdd.. hehe eheh it can be a way to release stress and boredom sometimes.. also, when we feel miss the past, we can jst look at it, wow, guess u'd be surprised with ur old look ;) hahah... hei, vattey, why mov will be angry huh?
Anonymous said…
lolz! Well, look at him now and before! How much he has changed??
kirahikaru said…
You Vendy. Good old days huh. The time where we don't really need to study and care much things that are revolving around us.
To Vattey: yeah... i am sure he will scream his head off when he sees these pics in which he looks damn UGLY...heheh...Of course, it goes without saying that he has changed loads...Most of us have changed, in fact...

To Barbie: Welcome to my blog...Hope you did enjoy seeing all these posts loz...Yeah each day must be a new day filled always wil smiles...:-)If you don't mind, i'll your blog to my link?

To Hour: Yeah...of course, dude! Taking photos is a way to restore all the good moments and through these photos, we can always retrieve them back...hehe...Good that you like taking photos! I have just started to feel like it!

To Vannak: Yeah, dude! It was a great time...So fresh! No need to worry about anything much...hehe... could i have missed my dear junior! Well...i am not going to run away...I will be more than willing to hold my best poses with you...hehe
Barbie said…
Nope, Not at all, I don't mind, cuz I already linked ya on mine as well WITHOUT PERMISSION! (^,^) I'm sorry, it totally slipped off my mind. How embarrassing.. Hee Hee...(^,^)

Btw, u owed us which fruit u r, Vendy. Just in secs, take a tour when u're free, deal?
Sopheary said…
Hey, Ven, you looked so different back then. Without wearing glasses and with the spoon embedded in your mouth, you looked like a secondary school kiddo rather than a high school senior. Keke..By the way, you were not nearsighted at that time?

Looking at these pics reminds me of my beloved high school friends, too. What's sad is that we seem to lose contact now coz most of them seem to suffer from internet-phobias. Dunno why they detach themselves from the internet. Guess it's because they don't like English, which is something I used to hate, too, though i've always loved the internet.
Unknown said…
heh heh he's merely short sighted after seeing gal, lolz.. i'm kidding only dude! back then he seemed like jst an innocent kid boy, haha... he didn't deserve a high skul student. hei anyway see things changed rapidly. its merely few years and now he looks old... old here means older than b4 tho he's still young ;) haha :P ven, jst kidding hahah

hei, also, it reminds me of mah high skul frenz u know.. they were so lovely and nice! i miss them so badly now.. it seems we lost contact for some time already, sigh!!! it seems time really changed pp, from this to that unintentionally out of the blue! i'm not sure how they will be turned to be in the next few years since they've changed a lot unexpectedly these years.. it's beyond my concern! :(

Well, well, guys, happy lunar new year! All the best for the new year!
Anonymous said…
It sure does bring back memory. A fond memory I must say.
and Vendy, just for ur info, all of my us (my batch) got skin rashes after staying at Dunman for the first 2 weeks:(
To Barbie: Well...that doesn't matter. In fact, i really appreciate it when you take an interest in becoming my friends. keep in touch!:-)

To PM: Hehe...i sure looked way younger than i do now. I myself was kinda shocked too, given the fact how my appearance has changed over the years. Well, back then, i was already short-sighted but i was not wearing specs yet.

To Hour: My friend, treasure the frienship well cos it is really fragile. If not handled properly, it might flip through your fingers and in a split second, everything is gone leaving you with nothing but remorse. So my advice to you is try to re-polish up your friendhip with them and you'll be surprised how shiny it looks as it always does.

To Bro Rex: Very fond, indeed!Dunman? That was not surprising, given its dirty living environment. Speaking of Dunman suddenly brings back this scary experience! Bro Rex, i am sure you are well aware of the going-around rumours about Dunman being a haunted hostel? Believe me, it's NO RUMOUR! I experienced it myself!
Unknown said…
heh heh sometimes its unavoidable that we are careless with treasuring the friendship.. i admit that.. well, i'll try my best to balance :) so be together more often and share lolz so our friendship will grows ;) see, flowers need water, friendship needs treasure!
hey, hour, did you notice i wrote "friendhip" instead of "friendship"? Hehehe...there is a WORLD of difference between the twos, dude, and to be honest, i dun expect you to "treasure" your friend's hip...hehe..

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