
Well i have just woken up from my delicious slumber. My apologies for being away for quite a while! Anyway during my absence here i was actually doing many things--some of which are not worth mentioning, i guess lol...But i think my first-time voting experience is not something that i could talk about everyday over dinner table and therefore, definitely deserves some good room in this entry too.

In retrospect, i remember being literally coerced to wake up pretty early on the 27th of July. After one final glimpse of my reflection to ascertain that i was, to a large extent, "properly" dressed for the eagerly-awaited event, I made my way down from my room to the living room, only to discover that everyone else had been waiting for me. Well, the voting place was just some minutes walk from my house, but we preferred taking the car, anyway. Upon arrival at the venue, we could already see the big throng of people, old and young, male and female, lining up in neat rows waiting for their turns. Luckily "our" row was not very long, and it was just a matter of minutes before we were admitted to the room. Believe it or not, though it was my first time, i was anything but clumsy. I showed this certified letter of my registration to the committee people sitting at the long desk. Then after a quick glance through the letter, i was given the nicely-folded list of those 11 political parties, only one of which was to be ticked against. Without further ado, i headed for this corner of the room where a piece of bent metal shielded people from seeing what i was doing, and more importantly, which box i ticked. Having folded my vote slip very neatly, i inched towards the BOX and slipped the slip inside. Then i was required to dip my index finger into this ink bottle as the indicating evidence that i had voted. A must-remember experience, i must say!


Unknown said…
err... I also voted :)
oops... i haven't.. :)
To ice: good citizen you are!! Tha didn't manage to vote, though. Couldn't find his name on the list lolz...
To gaara: wait till the next election's never too late. You stil have a chance to vote when you turn 80. Dun worry lolz...
Sopheary said…
It's such a big regret that I didn't vote. Not sure if I'll have a chance to..I should've had someone register for me for the voting.

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