HAPPY St. Valentine's Day!
Take a careful look around you! There might be someone in the crowd there that wishes more than anything to be noticed by you, someone that you probably knows very well but has always been taken for granted, someone that has always been standing there in your doorway, someone that has always been ready to wipe your tears, and someone that has probably shed so many tears for you without your knowledge. Such a someone deserves attention too! Happy St. Valentine's Day! Make the best out of today!
oh.. pheary.. why i always argue with him?? cos he deserves it.. haha.. :D
To Hour and Gaara: Yeah it was No's birthday!! And i didn;t write much cos THy already gave a bit of description in his post:-D
PM, if we don't argue, then either of us would be not us u know. It would be he's gone to the emotional world again and don't wanna care arguing ahha :P