A little update

Lately I have been putting up videos and pics for public display, but only on a few occassions did I plaster the computer screen with my writing. Though I am being driven at this very point by the upsurge of desire to just pick up a topic and write freely about it, I am at a complete loss for topics to write. Ok! I think I am going to utilize self-questioning strategies to help me out in the same way I ask my WS1 students to.

Let's start with: How do I feel?

A simple question like this can be quite tough to answer. I am not sure whether I am on top of the world about something, nor am I sure whether I am depressed about anything. Basically life has been treating me quite well, though not as well as I expect. And there are no tragic incidents or the like that leave wounds in me--emotionally and physically. But to say that I am leading a blissful life right now is definitely overrated. It is true that I used to feel so "unproductive", but I do not feel this way anymore. I do not feel complete. There is something missing right now!!!

When is the happiest time recently?

Well, I do not know how it feels like to be happiest. There are a number of occasions in which I feel happy, yeah, but feeling happiest is something I have not experienced yet, and something I would love to indulge in one day. Anyway, I smile and laugh with my friends every time we meet on Sats or Suns. And I really enjoy the feeling of NEVER having enough of those chats and jokes and laughs. The more I talk to them, the more I WANT to talk to them--you know what I am saying? But of course, being on family trips on Suns absolutely adds spices to my life. It feels so warm at heart.

When is the worst time recently?

As much as I can recall, there is no such thing as "the worst time" either. I do feel bad at times with or without reasons. A few days ago, I woke up at around 10am, and then my head started to feel so heavy. The whole day was one hell of a disaster. I was blamed by my mum for some reasons. My car accidentally hit the gate. To make matters worse, I was only inches away from running over three people, but I was lucky enough that I swerved my car to avoid it just in time. Oh man!!! I finally understood why a lot of Khmer liked to say, "Yi Oun Dak A Rak Chuon".


Rithy said…
I am glad i have something to read from you. In general, everything seems to be ok with you. I am so happy for you my friend.
Unknown said…
Agree with you about the points that you're not sure when you're happiest or saddest. That's what I feel sometimes! Lately, you've just put some pics or video heheh! should write more man.!
potato said…
you should take some vitamin C, K? i know you may feel a bit awkward to go for vitamin C. man...guess what in hot stuffy weather that stress you out sometimes, vitamin C cool down your temperature, unconsciously it prevent you from "sickness". go ahead, take some vitamin C K? ;]
Sopheary said…
I've never felt happiest and saddest, either, but i can tell among all my happy and sad times, which ones were happiest and saddest.
I don't have any happiest time nor the saddest time in my life. My life is fluctuating like a graph. You know? It's glad to see that u r doing and feeling well with ur life. M not sure whether I think too much or sth, but I just know that I have a lot of regret in my life. :)
To Thy: Yeah my life is more or less ok right now! Thnks dude.

To Hour: yeah dude. will try to write more now that i have a lot of free time:-D

To potato: Vit C? Really? It helps cool you down? I thought we take it for energy purposes?

To pheary: You cannot say what your happiest or saddest moments are when you have just lived half your life. What we can say is the happiest or saddest moments in the recent time.

To gaara: Regret? Dude i sure have regret, but each time i make a mistake, i look back, not to blame myself, but to learn from it, so that next time i won;t repeat the same mistake.
potato said…
vitamin C, K? you don't know what i mean or pretend not know what i mean. man...we've been damn friends half decade now... you surely know my code words. :]
come on, dude.
Sopheary said…
Scroll up and read it again. I said among all my happy and sad times i've had, I can tell which ones were happiest and saddest. I didn't say that those times were the happiest and saddest time in my life. And one more thing to say, I haven't lived half my life. It's just one fourth of my whole life.

Hey, by the word 'vitamin C' said by Tha, I think he doesn't literally mean the real drug 'vitamin C'. It's meant to be sth else. Lolz..
Sopheary said…
Oh, I was writing my comment at the same time as Tha was, but then I came after him.
potato said…
well...pheary you're being complicated and poisonous as always. saying complicated things and meanings. Whatever it is, hope you understand it on your own. happiest and sadest things you can tell but feel. how can you tell anything without first feeling it? maybe your tongue got cells to generate words while your brain got cells to realionize things. so maybe these two does not work together in your body.

Ven: phew...i want out of her topic. man...there are only u and paul in this world who love to convince her in such situation.
Sopheary said…
To Tha: Ok ok!! Let me give up this time. But I don't give up on my perspective. I give up on that my words were not clear enough to illustrate my point of view. Let me say what I think again in a precise way. As I haven't lived ALL my whole life yet, I haven't felt the happiest and saddest times yet, but I can tell the happiest and saddest times among all the happy and sad times I've felt in the PAST in my life. Tell u what? U've become a little more touchy. U know that? I might be wrong, but u made me feel that just a little thing can bug u that much.
To Tha: Of course I could decipher your code!!! But couldn;t believe that she could have understood this too!!!lolz...

To PM: relax!!! We sure did understand your point!!

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