My Story

It was my first day for the new term at University of Cambodia, yet I was already 15 minutes late, no thanks to the heavy traffic congestion. Upon arrival at the door of Prasat Banteay Kdei, I came to an abrupt halt for some minutes to catch my breath before I turned the doorknob.

The old wooden door creaked open, and I could feel the hush that suddenly fell upon the entire class. All eyes were upon me. Though I was feeling ashamed to the core, I still managed to give an apologetic bow to the lecturer whose disapproval was evident on his face despite his failed attempt to conceal it. I quickly navigated my way through the space-deprived aisle towards the furthest end of the room where one empty chair was perching expectantly. It was before long after I settled down that the lecture was resumed once again.

Everyone seemed to be absorbed in the discussion about what Civil Law embraced. At least most of them did. From where I was sitting rather uncomfortably, I could indistinctively hear the disturbing snoring-like noise. Given the fact that I was far from the board, I could barely discern the verbal lecture which was being given. The incessant noise, therefore, made the lecture even less audible. It took me some good minutes to figure out where the noise came from. Swivelling around, I rest my eyes upon one of the female students one row behind mine, and to my disbelief, she was literally sound asleep in spite of the "harsh" conditions that the classroom had got to offer. With her right hand pillaring her masked face, and her eyes shut tight, she was snoring away in a carefree manner. Unbelievable!

As though she had sensed being watched, she woke up with a start. I was quick enough to turn away and pretended not to have noticed her. After some rustling sounds behind my back, I stole a furtive glance back at her again. This time my jaw dropped open. She had cleared her notebooks and other stationeries from her desk to make room for a nice comforting spot upon which she rest her head. This is truly unbelievable!...(to be continued)


the same context can be described in a much shorter way:

"hahaha...this girl next to me in this Civil Law class is LITERALLY SNORING..."

haha... the source is ur facebook's wall.. :D
Sopheary said…
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Sopheary said…
I did like her a few times, too, except that I didn't snore but mouth-watered. hehe...
Unknown said…
It was insanely humorous, and it triggered a series of trajectories and transcending senses throughout my body and mind, causing myself to display an uncontrollable expression of laughter. HAHAHAHAH.... this time i used chim-glish. hmm, well, i happened to see many cases there, but girl sleeping just heard first time lolz. There, a good sleeping place isn't it? i didnt sleep tho but online with ma mobile that time.

pm, u mouth-watered? huh??? that eak eak nas!!!

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