Another boring and lonely day...

"Go hang out with your friends lah!" This is what people will say to me when I tell them about how boredom keeps torturing me. It is true that hanging out friends does help a lot. However, the worst scenario is when you are dying to get out to have fun but then this thought of knowing that none of your friends is around or available strikes me with a blow. And this is what i am talking about when I say I am bored!!!

There have been a lot of occasions on which I drop in on certain places alone. But after ten minutes or so of undergoing the "alone" feeling I feel fed up and start leaving again. Now both staying locked up in my room and going out aimlessly alone are the only remaining options. I do not want to keep whining about this to people around because I am sure they will judge me one way or the other without making any attempt to understand me. I know this sounds really pathetic. And I really hope these days will soon pass too!

Some people even come up with such suggestions as looking for a girlfriend as a means to keep myself busy and entertained and stuff. And yeah, I have to admit that to an extent, it makes some sense to me. It could be said that this chronic disease of loneliness that I have been having all along and that has deteriorated recently could stem from the inner desire for romantic partnership. But I am entirely sure whether having a girlfriend by my side will really fit the missing piece to complete my jigsaw.

Life is indeed a rollercoaster of EVERYTHING!!! SIGH...


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