Just a little something of how I feel...

It has been a while since I last got things off my chest here! I miss blogging! There were a couple of times when I got stuck and stared at the blank page here for some good minutes, racking my clogged-up brain for things to write about here. More often than not, it was not because I had nothing to say, but it was, in fact, due to the great and overwhelming quantity that was the hindrance--I simply did not know which to start with first, and at times I felt too overwhelmed to start with anything at all.

Yeah, overwhelmed! I am more than sure it does sound a little silly to say that I am indeed overwhelmed with things--though I have just a foggy idea about what the things really are exactly. It is true that lately I have not gone through any bitter experiences in particular, whether it is something to do with family or romance, but the feeling I am going through is just too much to bear with at times. This whole ridiculous thing about feeling eludes the possibility of being put into proper conversational or understandable terms.

I always believe in talk therapy since it is scientifically proven that this does help you feel the lightening of the terrible weight upon your chest. But during this phase of life, when best friends are geographically distant from you or they simply get married, you need to think twice before approaching them for a heart-to-heart. When I turn to family members, they seem preoccupied with so many family things already. And the idea of knocking on your brother's door late at night to say, "I am having this terrible feeling about nothing in particular," is just as silly.

So I end up sulking alone most of the time!


be flexible! don't wait for a particular person to listen to ur story. Everyone is busy with their own stuff, and some already got married. It'd be better if u can look around u once again and see who else u can share ur story besides them. Anyway, i also believe in the thing so-called talk therapy.

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