Brain tumour?
No, no! I am not dying. And brain tumour is nothing but an imaginary problem created in literary contexts when authors cannot give a better final touch to their romances. Or at least, for 24 years of my life, no one of my acquaintance has found himself/herself caught up in this terminal disease. Anyways these days I have been suffering a lot from migraine headaches--or I think they are. And then it gets me thinking about the possibility of myself being diagnosed with the brain tumour. Instead of scaring the hell out of me, the thought sort of sets my mind reeling on how heroic I might turn out to be. I see myself making inspiring YouTube videos giving touching speeches to uplift the spirits of the people who are down. I see myself being surrounded by family members and friends, all attending to my needs and showing so much care and love. I see myself travelling the world as my death day approaches. I know everything sounds silly, but it is kind of interesting to find out how one's lifestyle can be changed so drastically just because of the onset of a disease.