
People come into your life and go. Some leave footprints. Some leave scars.

Well, so far, i have enjoyed the "expedition", or more, the rush of the adrenaline down the spine that it gives me. But after a while, after being in and out for a while, it sort of falls into the same pattern that repeats itself ... the pattern that smells familiar. Then it gets me thinking, "What is wrong?" Well, sometimes it is not about what is wrong, but it is probably about what isn't right. There is a huge difference between the two. You can either go on, knowing that there is nothing wrong though it isn't right, or stop right there, when you feel even if nothing is wrong, it just isn't right! Normally, I opt for the latter. But I opt for it so many times that I start to fantasize how it would be like if i chose otherwise. The good thing, though, is the fact that the latter gives me sense of righteousness for me myself and for the party involved, and as a result, I am content with the decisions. And I am now at this point in life where I retreat into the hands of fate, who will take care of this matter, while I will be focusing on other aspects of my life. There are times when explaining to your closer ones doesn't work because they either judge you before hearing the justification, or cannot fathom being in these shoes. Probably, I know it TOO well about what I want, or rather, who I want!


very complicated article.. i don't understand a thing. :D
Good that you didn't lol
SouzanaPS said…
wahahaha my status yesterday was sth related to wrong and right too lolz but well, ur entry is indeed complicated @@

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