The Wedding and What Follows

So … my brother finally stripped himself off the single status he had been carrying around for 32 years. To say that he was lucky to be able to tie the knot with my sister-in-law was an understatement! What a perfect match they made! I couldn't be happier for him! 

The wedding they hosted was beautiful and amazing. Well, I don't mean to take credits for making everything go according to the plan, but as far as everyone is concerned, I managed the whole thing. Yes! You heard me right! There were times along the way when I was really on the verge of losing it, but I managed to pull myself together and kept reminding myself that I did it all for my brother and my sister-in-law … out of love!

The strange thing is how I felt after the wedding was over! I don't know whether any of you have felt this way, but right now I am kinda feeling a little lost and disoriented. I used to feel that way when I lost a few close friends and my dates. I know all my brother was to move in with his wife to his wife's house, but I couldn't help but sensed the emptiness somehow. It's not that he won't visit. But still … this is probably because of how close we had always been as brothers, and I had always been pretty much attached to him. I sorta feel embarrassed to even think of sharing all this with my friends. They will just probably think I am making a hill out of a small mole or something. The truth is my parents are the most affected! Mum is more quiet, and yes, she keeps saying she is still worn out from all the wedding fuss. but deep down, I know she misses her son. So does my dad--though he tries to act tough.

I just don't know whether we ever get to be accustomed to the way things are at home in the absence of my brother. But hopefully whatever it is exactly we are feeling, which weighs quite heavily on our heart, will wear off soon, so that we can get on with our lives!


I can't understand that feeling :D
Sopheary said…
I can understand those feelings well - losing close friends and dates and the absence of brother.
Sopha said…
I think you want to get married too :P

PHeary, thank God you do haha
Sopha said…
Me and Gaara? Maybe my daughter would, I don't know... HAHAHA

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