
My two-day getaway trip just ended, and here I am, all by myself, doing the things I love. I love the fact that Phnom Penh has that laid-back, lazy, holiday-ish mood to it now that people have not returned from their respective destinations. Anyway, I just took great pleasure in reading PM's second post on her private blog, and I was sincerely happy seeing that she made the effort to be active on her second blog (3rd? 4th?). She wrote about friends not having the traits she desired.

I got over that for quite some time now! And I have come to the realisation that these friends are like missing pieces of the jigsaw. You take one piece from this friend and another from that friend to fit everything together to form a complete jigsaw. The important thing is the knowledge of which friend plays his part best in which scenario. There is a saying that goes, "You can't expect a bird to hold and a hand to fly". It is true in every way! A bird can fly, and a hand can hold. But the roles cannot be swapped. I have learnt I cannot expect a quiet friend who enjoys having deep conversations with me to have as much fun drinking and clubbing the nights away. Neither can I vent out my deep dark secrets on someone who has the attention span of a 5-years-old. We all at one point wish that one friend could do both or more, but friendship-wise, there is no crime more barbaric than trying to change a friend, for your very own sake. However, things have been so much better for me when I have finally figured this out, but now that I start thinking about it, my mind is on something else. A relationship. 

Knowing which friend fits in well with which context and therefore taking actions accordingly is healthy for all parties involved since you know where that line is drawn. But then when it comes down to a relationship, it is probably ten times harder. We are talking about finding that needle in the haystack! How could you possibly find someone who could enjoy clubbing as much as sitting down in a quiet coffee shop on a Saturday afternoon, sipping coffee and just thinking about life? Someone who loves the wet, wild crowd on a New Year's Eve as much as the peace and quiet of the countryside? Someone who loves talking as much as staying silent? How could possibly find that someone?

They tell us to love an imperfect person perfectly! That rhymes and it sounds beautiful and everything. But then doesn't it come across as something forced and not natural? We do not set out to find that perfect person, but we do hope to find someone who could connect with us on many different levels. We set out, not to find the pieces, but to find the jigsaw! Don't get wrong! I do not spend all this time alone being bitter and thinking about this and everything. But it's just that it amazes me how someone could bump into his "soulmate" despite the billions of people out there. At other times, I have seen people who are the exact opposites fall in love, and it gets me thinking how that is even possible noting that they can barely connect on anything. Is it as if they had to build everything, including their very own traits, from scratch? Or, is it simply because they are just trying too hard to make it work? Or are they simply oblivious to everything I have just mentioned here and just … live?

Jigsaw, where are you? 

P. S: I am not even trying now. Or possibly EVER.


Sopha said…
Well said! Totally agree!
Sopheary said…
Maybe I am different, but I find it 10 times harder to find a good friend than to find the special one. Or maybe I'm just lucky to have met him.
The ugly truth is it also applies to relationship. Chance is you may fall in love with someone who doesn't share as many common interests as one of your good friends. But well, everybody thinks soulmate has to be the one that connects with you in every single level. I think differently. I think he or she is simply the one that fits you well.

Maybe you love reading, and she loves writing.
Maybe you love traveling, and she loves to be taken to various places.
Maybe you love going wild, and she loves to keep things in control so that she's the one looking after you.

When it comes to relationship, it's all about chemistry. She might fail every criteria but if the chemistry is there, anything will work out. Common interests are definitely a plus, but well... it's not every piece to the puzzle.

Having said that, I know u'll die being a forever-alone man! haha... it serves you right...
no common about relationship, but anyway, i love to read your blog :P
@pha: hi5
@pheary: you are one of those lucky people, for sure.
@gaara: chemistry is important for the early stage but after three months or so it fades away, and thats when people become themselves and discover they don't fit. What you are trying to say is they complement each other but from my personal experience, complementing each isn't enough! After some time, both parties feel they don't truly enjoy being themselves and they always have to compromise.
@pinkii: wounds still fresh huh? lol
if that chemistry thing fades away after 3 months, it's nothing but a mere crush towards another person. I disagree that a couple has to have the same interests to be living together. And why do u mix "complementing each other" with "not being yourself"? It's 2 separate thing. You have to be yourself and it completes each other.

Relationship is just an extreme version of friendship. How can you still friend your friends after they have changed and all that? Although after you notice the personality doesn't match that much anymore? It's just something... something about that person. Also, it's the memory you make together. And if you don't try to talk or communicate with your friends, soon enough you won't feel that connection anymore. It's the same for relationship. It's just a more extreme version of it.

Clearly, I'm no expert in this field. But that's what it is from where I'm standing. I could be wrong but I'm standing by my point for now until proven wrong by myself. Hehe..
@gaara go date around and learn and it is too long and i don't wanna read and reply back

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