Auto-switching botton between JOY and PAIN

There were so many destructive accidents in the last couple of days. And among those tragedies one broke a pair of legs belonging to this very well-known Pop singer, Sok Pisey, and sucked the lives out of her parents'. This breaking news must be a real devastating blow to her fanatic supporters out there. Well, i have to admit that i have never liked her as a singer that much, but when it comes to serious issues like this, my heart just goes out to her.

It is beyond the possibility of human power to foresee what is coming in the way, and lives can be lost in the blink of an eye. I just wonder what her last words to her parents were. Hope she didn't say anything to hurt them, or she would be living a life with great remorse in those so many days to come. Sigh...maybe it is worth telling your loved ones out loud about how you feel when you have a chance to because it is at least better than living an eternity with regret.


Rattanak said…
That's a tragedy. I felt so sorry to hear that news. She sang a couple songs that i really like. Can you please clarify a little more, what kind of accident? When did it happen?
Barbie said…
Yeah, this is the real tragedy. I can't believe this could ever happened to such a beautiful young lady :( I'm so sorry to hear that, and too bad I just found out about this today on ur page. Thks for informing us, Ven :(
Unknown said…
err, ven, at a very first glance, ur title means sth u know.. i feel.. err. don't know what to say already. i think u knew it! haha... eh, i'm supposed to be sad this time. i heard about such a tragedy too.. i heard her mum and grandmum died there, and she was admitted to the hospital now.. still not receive the facts yet, but i'm sure she's alright,!!! i wonder if she could be a pop star again with her current injuries! anyway, i feel sad for her. she's so cute! a nice gal!
Anonymous said…
That's so sad...Life is unpredictable. We should do what we want to today, or tomorrow we might not have the chance to.
Anonymous said…
I am really curious what happened to her and her family? Car accident or what?
Unknown said…
yeah, we should do what we should do before it's late... say what we should say before it's late... time waits for no man! chances are not always there for u...
Anonymous said…
To Ice:
Well, everyone keeps repeating this sentence 'do what we want to before it's too late', but then not everyone can put it into practice, and those people might include u, if i'm not wrong.
To Ratanak: thanks for dropping by. Well, it was a car accident. She was on her way back from Kompongsom when she had the accident. It was 12 sth at night, i guess. She was the only survivor. Very sad:-(
To Barbie: it is indeed a tragic accident. Not surprised that she were not informed about this, cos all the papers were sold out, and my Mom was trying to get hold of one, but she couldn't still.
To Hour: what does the title suggest, man? I know it sort of mismatches the content. Anyway, i doubt the possibility of her becoming a star again after what happened. Who to be blamed? Destiny, maybe...
To PM: we should do what we think is right today, i agree...But i also agree with you about this very fact that we rarely put this into practice until the very last minute...
To Bak: thanks for dropping by. It was a car accident, and it was very late at night already while she was driving...
Unknown said…
To PM: hahah pm, u're so right! saying is one thing, but doing is another... it's so hard, more than i expected, to put it into practice.. but i'll try to challenge myself! hope i could do it!

To Ven: Nope, i'm not saying about mismatch or anything.. read it again, i'm sure u'll find it.. it should be in khmer and english version mixed up! haha... hope u could get what i meant.. err, well, i think cuz she drove too fast... it's her lucky day already cuz she managed to survive after the accident.. unlike the rest.. so sad news :(

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