Just a random thought

What would happen if one day we woke up in the morning and realized that all those people that matter so much in our lives are, after all, just unreal mental images?

This guy by the name of John Nash from "A Beautiful Mind" is diagnosed with schrezophrenia, a kind of illness that conjures up delusions in his head. It takes more than just his guts and stamina to come to terms with the painful truth that his only best friend, Charles, is anything but real. Both of them, as a matter of fact, never co-exist in reality!

Watching this movie got me thinking, "How would I feel if I were in his shoes?" There are times when I feel disappointment in the pit of my stomach after I tell myself, "It is just another dream". But I am very positive that feeling disappointed would be an understatement when it comes to situations like John’s. It would be a hell of an emotional struggle to take a new look around and start absorbing new things again, trying with all my might to shut out those haunting images, though on the back of my mind, genuinely wishing they were real. I would be very lonely. My life would be so meaningless. Each day would be a new day of internal battle between persevering and giving up. There would be nothing to look forward to. Nothing.

I know I am being weak, but I really doubt the possibility of leading just a simple life ever again with all those special people in life suddenly vanishing into thin air. It would be better to witness the natural process they go through, starting from being a toddler to the moment they breathe their last breath on their death beds, than to accept the truth that they never exist at all.


Unknown said…
hei, is it the movie u guys've been talking about? err, well, haven't watched yet. u know, i was taken aback with ur very first statement. lots of thoughts come into my mind and i'm speechless now, i don't know what's up there in my head right now. i'm sometimes thinking whether i'm in unreal world? the world is so unfair! :( i wish what i've been thru are illusion! i can't help thinking of the past..
Barbie said…
I just don't know if there is any slim chance avaialble for me to escape the future. I've been hopelessly lingering on the bygones, sth that is not real no more T_T Why is that life being this mean to me? Do I have to do the forever searching just to find where exactly I belong? Past, Present, or Future? Living desperately in the past sounds too harsh to me.It blocks every good things of my life. Sth that come without being invited.

Sorry to be too emotional around here, on your blog, Ven.
Anonymous said…
Ven, I've noticed you've said this phrase 'Nothing to look forward to' more than once. It seems to me that this phrase has something to do more than what u explained to me the other day.

Well, if I were him, I would also find it hard to accept the truth that what we used to think real is actually the illusion.Could you clarify more what really happened between Jonh Nash and his best friend?
To Hour: life is a struggle, my friend, and in our attempts to persevere in life, we somtimes find ourselves lost in nowhere. I do exeperience the kind of feeling you are talking about.
To BarBEE: Past, present and future are so intertwined togther. Mistakes from the past keep hanuting us in the present and probably will continue still in the future, and sometimes we doubt whether we can lead just a simple ever again with those bygones corrupting our minds everyday. But past is past, and w can;t do anything to change it, but we can change the future so that past mistakes won't be repeated ever again,
To PM: you are right, i guess! These days i seem to find myself so lost in nowhere at times, and i dunno what my tommorow turns out to be cos there is nothing i am looking forward to.

Ok about that, as i have already mentioned, JOnh suffers from schrezophrenia, so obviously certain images, certain people, that he see every day are not real. And one of the illusions just happens to his best friend. So in fact his best friend can only be seen by him in his head, and Charles never exists...
Unknown said…
hmm, yeah, i think i'm lost in nowhere that can be found! i really hope this is just a temporary feeling. maybe i'm just having emotional problem that's it. hope will be well soon! dude, whenever u're lost, i can help u find back ur real self! haha.. even in the darkness, u can hardly be found, so i'll light the candle to find u back! lolz.. kidding only! sometimes, a false laugh seems so real u know!
To Hour: A candle? nah...with modern technology, ppl now use torchlights instead, man...lolz...Anyway, thanks, dude! But right now i am sure two of our friends really need us...
Unknown said…
Oops, wow, dude, this time u're so trendy! haha.. yeah a torchlight can help you with the resourceful of light! haha, but no matter how much light you got, still heheheh.... yeah, they really need us, but the prob is that i don't know how i can do for them. let them have a little break first before we can butt in their personal matter.
Guess you are right, dude, but maybe we need us just to listen to their problems...Even if we can't be of much help right now, at least we can lend all of our attention to their speaking...
Unknown said…
yeah, we can't be of much help cuz it's themselves who know what they are doing and what they're going to do. i know their own determination lead them to the place they belong to! all i could do is just to sit there and listen to their story... i learnt a lot from them also. i felt that all we should do is TREASURE. Do it before everything is too late. don't regret when it's late. Time wait for no man!
To Hour: You are right, dude!! I am glad that you shared with me about their stories too, though all i could do was to console them. It might have worked or it might not have.
Barbie said…
Ha Ha, Turtle shared you all the stories he'd known, Ven? Love stories? YOur nature is obviously chocolate :P Sth sweet and bitter. Just know that I really like chocolate, Yum Yum :P Take a good care of yourself then, cuz you might be EATEN :P Ven Ven!
To BarBEE: oops....i made a fatal error. What i was trying to say was that my friends shared their stories with me and i was glad they shared lolx....anyway bees dun eat chocolate, come on...hahha...and my Chocolate is sweet always, never bitter...hahahha
Unknown said…
heh heh yeah, at least they shared us so that we can get the solution of how we could help them! :)
Yeah right, dude!!! :-)

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