"Kharten" on 25th and 26th of Oct

Nice pic!! Still smiling despite the long tiring day...lol

Me and my cousins, so worn out after doing nothing lol...
My mom looked pretty young that day lol...

My dad is so in the middle of sth right there...lol...

Monks chanting...

Big Mama...lol...

This young lady bullied by two overgrown men...They dun look that scary to me, though lol...

This is Vietnam, dudes!!!

On the way back from Vietnam to Phnom Den

Danger: never try posing like us in the middle of the street!! It is a matter of life and death lol...

My three friends escorted by my two bros with me being the photographer...lol

Feel like posing in Switzerland lolz...The scenery is absolutely breathtaking!!

Three street children running in the wilderness...lol...
This is Vietnam! Some meters off Phnom Den...


Anonymous said…
Nice pictures! Believe it or not, I havent been to any Karthen before! lolz.
Pheaktra said…
I really do love the picture which you captioned it as 'like in switzerland'. It sure is beautiful!
hehe.. nice shot dude!! :) hehe... but aiya.. everywhere i go, i also see mr ice-seller there... hehe... so how was it? was it fun?? :)
Anonymous said…
dudes, it was a great trip full of fun. Thank you very much for asking us to be your honorable guests...lolz. wish paul, nory and tro had been with us.Unforfunately, thy could not make it to the last part of the trip, what a pity on our gay buddy!
Anonymous said…
I like the one in which the scenery is like in Switzerland. It's breathtaking, yeah, but the ways u guys pose kind of spoil the scenery with Ratha being like a homeless and Ice and you, gangsters... lolz.. and Mo, of course, one of the gang.
Anonymous said…
Mistake..the anonymous above is me. Oh! one more thing to say. The photograhping skill is not good enough with the fact that I don't wanna see the street occupying most fraction of the photo. lolz..just some constructive comments..
To vattey: hahahaha.. should go to one when there is a chance to:-D
To Pheaktra: yah...it is indeed beautiful!!
To gaara: yeah it was real fun. hahaha...yeah yeah...he is always present with us...
To potatoe: Dun mention it dude! It's no big deal!!! yeah yeah wish they had been there with us:-D
To PM: Would it kill ya to be less critical, PM? You should learn to see beauty in anything like Mo does...lol...z
Unknown said…
Who is anonymous? Err he or she seem to know a lot about us hor.. Err.. I like these pics so much.. Mrs te time there heh eh.. Very fun indeed..
Anonymous said…
to PM: thank you very much for ur comment. BUT you call that photographing skill?...it's self-timer, we just knew how to use it that moment. were over excited to take photos with no camera holder, so we forgot bout wide street... but all of us at the same time for fun time's memory. u have good judge about photograph, but we just did it for fun with no purpose of nor profession neither sales...
Unknown said…
haha lolz... it's us who had the skill lolz.. without us, no matter how skilful the photograph has, the photos would not be as nice!! :D lolz
To ice and potatoe: i am totally on your side, dude!!! Show me your skills if you have any, PM!!!lolz..
Sopheary said…
To Potato:
Hey! If I'm not mistaken, it's the first time u talked to me, but then u sound so serious...come on! Don't take it that serious.

To Ice and Ven:
Well, i don't have any skill on photographing, but I have a knack on criticizing the others especially my friends. Lolz...
Anonymous said…
to PM: you're mistaken again, sorry, i did not talk to you. i just wrote to you. if i'd had talked, it would have been funny. Maybe my writing sounded serious, ...mann..let's take it easy.

to ven: sorry for using your blog to talk to PM. Anyway it's good, man, it's kinda of service expansion. I'll pay for this service by returning ma service to you...hehe
To potatoe: dude, by all means!!! Make use of every avaiable space on this blog as you wish when it comes to attacking HER!!!!!!! I JUST LOVE IT!!!! HAHAHHAHAHa
Unknown said…
good at critizing huh PM!!!

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