A poem to my two friends: Tro and Nory

Two people on a smooth country lane,
Hand in hand they walk,
Nothing too great to cause them pain,
On and on they continue to talk.

One day they reach a vast river,
Seeing all the riches at the other side,
Welling up is the desire to cross over,
Yet the boat too small for two to ride.

So the man decides to go alone,
With so many promises to be kept alive,
Leaving the woman in tearful moan,
So grievedly yet strongly she has to srtive.

Each day she waits with a heavy heart,
Reminiscing haunting ghosts of memory,
But her love for him grows each day of them apart,
And she knows, "He always loves me!"

Written by Kong Vendy:-D


Unknown said…
very touching indeed, dude... I bet if they come to see it, they would feel something...
Pheaktra said…
what inspired you? ^_^
Anonymous said…
To turtle: Hell...dude, very touching? where were you touched? what would they feel? feel u? what a dirty creature!

hehe...i'm kidding.

this is heart-breaking poem. The pain of being away from your beloved must be more than words. But you seem to udnerstand the feeling inside out. Write more dude, love it.
Barbie said…
nice SAD poem :( Wondering the same thing as Pheaktra :( What inspired you to write this up? Hope what I have on my mind now isn't happening, only if you get what I meant =,=
Anonymous said…
Yeah, touching..it must be real hard for them.
To ice: hahaha...didn't realise it was that touching!!!Just wrote it for fun, man!!
To BarBEE and Pheaktra: hmm...dunno what exactly!!! Just felt like writing a poem for them:-D. By the way, BarB, i have no idea what you are thinking. Spit it out!! What is it???
To Potatoe: hahaha...so seems like our Tutrle is so easily touched??? (dun take it personal, mate!!!No offence, really!!!) Anyway, well...being a writer, you'ver got to be able to try to understand feelings lah...so even if i dunno what it feels like exactly, i just write as if i did lah...hahah..
To Pheary: dunno how hard exactly!! Just knew that Nory cried a lot lately--according to Mo!!
Unknown said…
Potatoe, the touching here I mean not physically touched, but emotionally touched man. Put urself in their shoes, you'll feel something. Sigh... u're such a heartless person. u dirty idiot... Oops, no offence to others! haha... :P

Ven, true man, as I said, I felt that when I put myself in their shoe and reading all that...
Anonymous said…
Swinging by this time just to say that u misspelled 'strive'. Typing mistake? Whatever, credits have been subtracted. Lolz..
Barbie said…
What was on my mind yesterday was my mistaken assumption lol...I thought Nory and Tro broke up. silly eh? Lol.. but today, I went on Koun Derk's blog, and yeah, I know what's happening to this sweet and lovely couple, but even if they are physically apart, I'm sure, as I already mentioned on Koun Derk's blog, that technology can bring them close :) Good luck to both of them.
hirk hirk!! what a sad poem! :( it sounds so cruel, somehow! :(
To ice: yeah yeah...must be hard on them:( But like i said they know how to deal with it, i am sure:-D

To Pheary: thanks!!! lolz...interested in becoming my personal editor?lolz...

To BarBEE: hahahha...it's okay!!! Now that u know it, pls keep praying that evrything will go smoothly...

To Gaara: Cruel???Really???hahaha...sorry if it really sounds so to you, dude:-D But honestly i didn;t mean to make it that way loloz...
Anonymous said…
Your personal editor? I'd consider it if the wage is satisfying. Lolz..
Sophornvichet said…
Sound terribly miss, i blieve, if the couple has read this poem. it is most emotional hurt, as the poem has reminded wonderful memories they both did together, n it awak al the promises from their memory, esp the last promises !

ven: it's nice poem.
Pheary: although there is mistake, credit is not deducted cos i credit to meaning rather than other ! Loz...
Potato: turtle is rite, it is painful if u put urself in their shoes.
Hour: it's sound u had experience... kidding !
Barbie: i agree with u... the couple stil be alw close !

wish them good luck ! sweet love for them.
Sophornvichet said…
Sound terribly miss, i blieve, if the couple has read this poem. it is most emotional hurt, as the poem has reminded wonderful memories they both did together, n it awak al the promises from their memory, esp the last promises !

ven: it's nice poem.
Pheary: although there is mistake, credit is not deducted cos i credit to meaning rather than other ! Loz...
Potato: turtle is rite, it is painful if u put urself in their shoes.
Hour: it's sound u had experience... kidding !
Barbie: i agree with u... the couple stil be alw close !

wish them good luck ! sweet love for them.
To PM: salary will be given based on your experience....If you are intesrested, do send a copy of your CV and cover letter to my office:-D
To V70: yeah i guess it's moving, and it sounds like you understand how it feels like very well???lolz...
it's nice a poem, i agree... but it sounds .. very very sad to me.. i wish you would never make such a poem for me... if u get what i mean! :)
Pagna said…
U know wat? I wish it is yet all about the poem. Don't end it this way... it sounds they will never meet again.
To gaara: ok lah...if i ever write a poem for ya, i'll keep in mind that the poem must be a happy one...lol...
To Pagn: really?? it sounds so to you??? I think i made the ending pretty much alike the real situation!! THe girl is waiting, and the guy is there...so yeah...lol...
Unknown said…
Write for gaara??? lolz... lolz... can't help laughing... Why write for him lolz???? hehehe.. but hei ven, why don't write for our study club? hahah it would be very nice! dun ever write for that gaara.. no use... :P
Unknown said…
Pagn, u go too much already haha... it's too deep lolz.. even I could sense what it is :P

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