A1.10: A birthday party!

Was offered a piece of cake. I have to admit the cake tasted really good more because it really did than because it was offered with no charge. And seeing them singing the birthday song just brought back those moments when I was in my school uniform clapping and singing to the falling and rising rhythm of the song, the moments when we came up with surprise in-class birthday parties for birthday boys and girls.


haha.. the moment i see the photo, I can see clearly that u r a lecturer.. haha... it's not ur look, but ur posture that makes u look that.. :P anyway, how do u feel huh?? u used to be a part of students asking lecturer to take photo with.. but now.. hehe.. things are inverse already..
potato said…
hell...where were the rest of the boys? are they gender and color racists not wanting to take photos with their teacher? kidding... it must be limited photos you received from your student's camera. man...at least you should make some introduction who is from your left, right, and the two men behind you. Yeah...they surely brings all the fun time we had in class.
Sopheary said…
Haha...u look older posing as a lecturer.
Pheaktra said…
a professor neh....awesome!

so cake only tastes better when offered with no charge? hahahah
To gaara: hahaha...well felt like a lecturer lah!!!! Seriously, felt kinda different. This kinda fatherly feeling--if u get what i mean lolz...

To Potatoe: lolz...well the girls took with me first. It was from my stud's cam, anyway. lolz...

To pheary: I am SUPPOSED TO BE old!!!

To Pheaktra: :-D Thanks!
Unknown said…
You also were in school uniform man :D i miss our birthday :) i don't know what I'm going to do on my birthday this year. :(

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