HAPPY St. Valentine's Day!
Take a careful look around you! There might be someone in the crowd there that wishes more than anything to be noticed by you, someone that you probably knows very well but has always been taken for granted, someone that has always been standing there in your doorway, someone that has always been ready to wipe your tears, and someone that has probably shed so many tears for you without your knowledge. Such a someone deserves attention too! Happy St. Valentine's Day! Make the best out of today!
Good to see the collection though i'm not in.
To Potatoe:
Why u have to look for srey khmao? Is there any specific reason underlying that? Then u need to glance your eyes through African girls. That would be nice to have an African friend in-law. hehe...
To Hour:
Hey, try to make it summer to visit home coz I also want to go home next summer. Then we can have a happy reunion. :-)
tha, so you're not going back right until next summer? oh man, if next summer, I'll have to wait another half year. Let me think. But summer is two months long hehe.. it worths considering!!! I'll tell u later abt this.
Nope, I'm not going this summer coz I wanna go in this December instead. I don't have a plan next summer yet. But if u and Tha are going next summer, I'll try to go, too.
Hold on! When does your summer start and end?
when entering an ice-cream store. Chocolate! right?
turtle: what ta hell? sounds like i was begging u to go to Cambodia on Summer like me. Consider whatever you'd love you, we ain't stick with each other in term of legs, arms, body- physical terms and emotion. go home whenever you need too, man ah nis veuy :D. oh yeah man...Feb is a good month to go to,some chinese event? and paul, thy, ven's birthday.
Guess people's saying holds some truth. White people are paired with black. Guess u're one of them. After all, u're white. lolz....
By the way, you edit the video yourself? quite skillful now huh.. but your title of the post sounds weird!
Talking about reunion... COME COME I give you all a big hug. I really miss this crazy team. Where shall we go? Siem Reap again? I don't mind and don't care, just to be with you guys. Tell me just a week in advance!