
This is something—not about me, of course, but about my elder bro. For your information, I am not being involved in the defamation process or anything. It’s basically about his good deed which is really moving, or at least I think it is to me.

It was just one of his typical days. Woke up. Washed up. Got dressed. Headed for work. But what marked that day different was what greeted his eyes on his way home and made his heart sore. He witnessed a very old Grandma about 80 in her dirt-covered rags, with a walking stick, trudging with heavy footsteps.

Honestly I really have no idea what kind of heart is beating there under his ribs! He must be one of the rare, soft-hearted gentlemen! To my disbelief—and to yours too, he swiveled the car around to the other side of the street, stopped the car and then approached the Grandma. Guess what he did after that? Believe it or not, my bro treated her to a meal in one of the eating places nearby and chatted with her for quite some time. Just imagine how the Grandma was feeling then! As if paying for the meal had not been good enough, he phoned one of those guys being in charge of this program at the APSARA Television Station. The program was basically meant for those who were poverty-stricken and never gave in to begging. You see, the Grandma was not a beggar and she did “something” to earn a living to support the three small orphaned grandsons. So after talking to the guy, my bro helped her to make all the necessary arrangements. And you know what, guys? Yesterday as my family and I were watching TV, WE SAW HER! She was there with a lot of donations from the philanthropists. The Grandma’s life was turned around by my bro! It almost sounds far-fetched to me, but guys it’s a true story, mind you!


Anonymous said…
Very touching! And your brother is definately one of those kind hearted around :)
Anonymous said…
very touching! What a very good deed...he's such a gentleman!! I am proud of him even though i never know him!! :)
kirahikaru said…
Hey, Just notice that you got blog too. Hahaha seems that more and more people are getting blog nowadays. lolx. I add to you my list, alright?
To vattey and Pheaktra, thanks! I am proud of myself too to have such a kind-hearted bro...:-)

To Vannak, hey, dude, yeah...i have just got this blog...hehe...sure can add...i already have yours in my link:-)
Sopheary said…
Like the others, I'm here to say the same thing. Your bro really did us proud. So did the grandma thank your bro on TV? She should have.
Unknown said…
heh heh what a kind-hearted man. To be honest, the first impression when i see you guys (i mean ur family), i feel that you all seem to be emotional person. you are soft- and kind-hearted. it's not surprised to me, really, to hear this u know. cuz i've already known b4 that u all would do this one day. you have all my full support u know with this kinda help! old citizens and children should be helped in any means to reduce the poverty in my country. bet u must be very proud of him!
Pagna said…
Ven, it will surprise me more if it was you not your brother since i know you would not be that kind. Your brother is lovely anyway! ;-)
To pm: i know u must be proud of him too! And i know u wish to have such a bro too hehhe...well, she didn't thank him when she was filmed but she had given him a call days before that...Anyway, i am sure my bro needs no words of thanks or anything like that cos he knows he has made a difference in her life--though not a so-big-one...
To ice: well..thanks, dude, for all those nice words hehe...but i know i have never had the guts to do such a thing like what my bro did...i know it sounds weird!Doing a good deed doesn't need any guts, u think?But it does, for me...

To Pagn: It's really "sweet" of you to have said such a thing to your friend!! have no idea wat kind of heart is beating there under my ribs!hehehh...not a black one--dun u dare say!!!:-)
Unknown said…
hahah, Pagn, is that an insult or what? heh heh, come on, tho he's black, he's a good heart. his skin is black, but it doesn't mean that his heart is also black!!! Oops, sorry ven, i've jst come to realise that i've mentioned this word "black" for so many times.. Oops, sorry mention again already :P

heh hheh, pm has a gud bro already, right, pm? i'm sure since he adores u so much... i don't have a bro u know? :( quite sad.. i only have younger one, not older one i mean... mah sis? hahha she's not into this kinda help much tho she has a soft heart. haha.... im glad that ur bro is a kind-hearted man tho he... in his work. sorry to mention this.

well, well, ven, guess what? i'm sure that u're able to do it... don't say u have no guts.. jst spend ur contribution (can be time or money) to help lolz... heh heh it's good to do donations sometimes for the sake of our country. i'm broken-hearted to see those poor people and the poverty in our country :(
Sopheary said…
Hour, you're absolutely right! I have a very very good bro already, the best one in the world( sounds a bit exaggerated? I know, but come on, just agree with me for one thing, ok? Coz saying this really pleases me) My bro might not do that coz he finds it hard to release his sympathy toward the others, but he's doing another thing for Cambodia, and I'm really really proud of him.

By the way, Hour, talking about poverty in Cambodia does kill me. I feel guilty of not having done anything much for our country. When I go for a visit, I will do something just to show my love to our little poor country.
Unknown said…
oh so what's the another thing u may mention that ur bro contributed to Cambodia? it sounds so nice, but tell us how nice is it? pp have different view and means of sharing their contributions! heh heh, abt poverty? i've got a friend in Canada.. she's visiting here once per two years i think.. wheneva she comes, i always guide her round,.. always, she brings with some books and donations from there to give to the poor here ;) that's so nice of her. remember when i went out with her last time, she even asked beggar to sit with her and eating with her u know... heh heh.. ;) she's such a nice person, it'd be gud if u could do so, PM! so bring some books when u're back, k? so that we can educate those kids with these knowledge! its gud way rather than jst help them with this and that.. better teach them how to fish rather than give them fish!
Okay...since you are begging for it! Your bro is the best in your "world"...

Poverty? Those who are rich are very rich and of course, those who are poor are way too poor...As an individual, we can't do much, but i am sure that everything starts from a small step...a good example can be your friend's kind acts of giving books and stuffs, hour...

Yeah...Pm, maybe when you are back, we all should pay a visit to an orphanage or something to give out donations in the forms of books, food supplies and'll be awesome...i have been wanting to do that but i can do it alone...
Okay...since you are begging for it! Your bro is the best in your "world"...

Poverty? Those who are rich are very rich and of course, those who are poor are way too poor...As an individual, we can't do much, but i am sure that everything starts from a small step...a good example can be your friend's kind acts of giving books and stuffs, hour...

Yeah...Pm, maybe when you are back, we all should pay a visit to an orphanage or something to give out donations in the forms of books, food supplies and'll be awesome...i have been wanting to do that but i can do it alone...
Anonymous said…
Hey, Vendy, you want to do those community service in Cambodia, is it? I'll be in the team again this year for OCIP organised by REACH FSC. If you want to join, I'll inform you :) I heard this year, they are going in both June and December.
Anonymous said…
Great, Ven, that's what I've always wanted to do, too. Hey, Vattey, could I join it, too? It would be a great opportunity if you let me be in.
Anonymous said…
Sure! We are looking for these kind hearted souls :D
Anonymous said…
Really? It's a great news. By the way, what is the exact date is the community service gonna be held? Just wanted to know so that i can arrange the date to fly there on time, u know.
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm not really sure about the exact date too. I need to check with REACH and inform you all. But I remember last year, it was mid December. It was 11th Dec, if I am not wrong.
Unknown said…
hei hei, guys, how nice huh, dun eva forget me hahha.. i'll join no matter how :) and i'm planning with mah camping guys to have this kinda charity work too, but not quite sure yet eth's jst in my mind hahha
Anonymous said…
Hahha. Sure! Well, seems like we are using this post to talk about CIP. lolz. Oh in case you dont know what CIP stand for, CIP = Community Involvement Project :)
Sopheary said…
Hey, Vattey, as u said earlier, the project is gonna be conducted two times, on June and December, isn't it? I wanted to know the one in June, not December. Of course, I can't make it on December.
Anonymous said…
Yeap, you are right! But, I'm not sure of the exact date for June as there wasnt any CIP in June previously. This year is the first year though. Ok, I'll email them and ask for the info :)
Heyso it's CIP,HUH? of course i am very interested in this...tell me so that i can be part of the society development.heheh..sounds like PM and HOUR are also so keen on the idea...good then..the more the merrier...hehe..
Unknown said…
heh heh, i've been into this kinda idea long ago ven, fyi. i've been to many already too, but then i intent to make one and hope it's possible... Pagn's group was so nice actually, i should join hers one day!!! oh, also vattey inform us back the details once u get it k?
hehe...i know, dude! Given your kindness and all, you must be one of those being so interested in community works...Yeah...pagn's group is nice!
Sopheary said…
Hah hah (weeping) I won't be able to join the CIP..:-(
Unknown said…
heh heh, actually i do it for jst the sake of my people. maybe i sound to be so noble, but its not.. jst i feel like do it and i'll try my best to help!! for things that are beyond my control, obviously cannot help!
That's the spirit we want, dude! Not many people out there are as willing to sacrifice for the sake of their country as you are. Proud of you, man!
Unknown said…
hahah i'm not that gud as u thought dude.. actually, what i felt and what i did was out from what i saw... well, its cuz i felt rather sad everytime i bump into those poor people, i'm not rich too though, at least i have a kind heart, even i've not done many actions in helping them ;) i'm so proud of ya bro, lolz
First conceptions, then perceptions and finally actions! The inner drive that is found in you is so powerful,dude. It leads you to such great things you have never imagined you will ever do.

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