HAPPY St. Valentine's Day!
Take a careful look around you! There might be someone in the crowd there that wishes more than anything to be noticed by you, someone that you probably knows very well but has always been taken for granted, someone that has always been standing there in your doorway, someone that has always been ready to wipe your tears, and someone that has probably shed so many tears for you without your knowledge. Such a someone deserves attention too! Happy St. Valentine's Day! Make the best out of today!
Those fond memories will definitely etch in ur heart no matter how long it is.
To start of, i'd like to say thanks to PM and turtle for you compliment there..but for God's sake turtle, did you really mean it when you said you guys only need me when you need somebody to play the music for ya? Come on dude, what a disspointing commend there you have for me...But great job to PM (: Anyway, for your information PM, i look rather old myself now, or at least i have been told so...well...i guess i have too much stress from work and study...but m looking forward to refreshing myself after i get things sorted out...and hopefully i will look much better...
To PM: are yu sure je looks younger? Maybe she APPEARS to be younger there, thanks to my inborn talent of snapping photos:-)...It was, of course, very fun...
To Ice: i agree with you that Thy has always been a good guitarist and singer and good to have him around...not only when we need a guitarist, though...good to have him around--in general...
To Thy: come on, dude! Don't worry abut aging! Everybody DOES age! And even if you worry about it, you can't do anything, man...But honestly speaking, YOU REALLY LOOK WAY OLDER, DUDE ...heheh
hey thanks to you both for repeating that i look old, actually you deedn't have done that..well...to be honest..i dont really look that bad in real person..its all becuz of the quality of your old fashioned camera which produced such upsetting pictures..I mean look at A Je, she was trying to give the best smile in the world, expecting to get some help from the camera, but she ended up smiling like a jerk( OPPS!! if you happen to read this JE, please excuse me for being a bit straight forward, as you know i hate speaking ill of others..and in fact you look much younger than what appears as you here in the picture, agree? heehe...they wouldn't agree thou..)
Oops, dude, did we disappoint you with those comments? if so, sorry la dude! u're our friend, u know. it's not that u're needed jst for that occassion only dude! we need ya all the time. see, we also called ya for eating, but then u needed ur football more than us, lah!!! see? ven also agreed with me that u're older :P heh heh, u look older? yup, it's true! maybe u've been busy with ur work lolz.. u'lll be younger i think after ur resignation :P hehh heh, since u've quit already, so will have more time to steam urself!
hahah, only pm and me, look the same. ven looks darker??? oh, no, he's not... jst a bit more grey, that's it! :P but ah je looks really young now, u know.. had she younger than me, I would consider haha.... saying as if i'm so wanted :(
Hei thy, by the way, i'm so sorry to triple repeated how you look hahha... but u'll look younger when u're with ah je hahha :P so when u're with me, u'll look older. this is jst to imply that i'm young! :P jst to elaborate in case u don't catch what i mean hahha...
Ven's grey, Hour? It might be right, but I would choose the word 'beige' to describe him. Hehe
By the way, it's really good that you guys have developed a habit of taking photos, which can help me on track of what's going on. Just reading your blogs makes my day. At least i don't feel isolated.
taking photos? yeah, maybe.. i like taking photos u know.,.. but not mah ownself, but the surroundings :) dun care whether its animal, nature, view or pp, i take all hahha :) u know what? i sometimes feel so isolated when i'm alone at home, nth to do besides surfing the net and reading ;) so its gud to have some photos to look at when i'm bored! lolz