What Kind of People Does the World Need?

The World Needs People

-who cannot be bought

-whose word is their bond

-who put character above wealth

-who possess opinions and a will

-who are larger than their vocations

-who do not hesitate to take chances

-who will not lose their individuality in a crowd

-who will be as honest in small things as in great things

-who will not make compromise with wrong

-whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires

-who will not say they do it, “because everyone else does it”

-who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning and heart-headedness are the best qualities for winning success

-who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it’s unpopular

-who can say “no” with emphasis although all the rest of the world says “yes”

Question: Do you think you possess all the desired attributes?


Unknown said…
one more to add: the world needs people who admit their own mistakes and are willing to improve! but my world needs only who are honest, faithful and love friendship! i love u all, friends!
Thanks for dropping by, dude!hehe...well you're right...friendship, faith and love are three things that should be present in everybody...
Sopheary said…
I lack several attributes, one of which is that my ambition is confined to my own desire which is my own happiness, and this happiness of mine is attained by seeing people i love happy. Is it considered selfish?
Well, you know what, PM? It's like each of us is not left with many choices...so it's either you are selfish or selfless...so in this case, you are selfish but then if you devote heart and soul for the world out there, then you are selfless...this is life!!:-)
Unknown said…
life is selfish :) of course, people are also selfish :) its us to determine our own life and happiness :) so be strong and be brave! i'm saying as if i'm brave enough, actually im not :( in this kinda pursuing happiness, i didn't even try to fight for it :( im only the person of mah word u know,. this one i know clearly out of myself
You are darn right, ice!And you know what?You are not the only one being not-so-brave...Me too!Sometimes i think i am a chicken...hehe...good that you are the man of your word, isn't it?...At least when it comes to promises, you take some sort of actions...

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