Letting go...Dedicated to heart-broken souls
Letting go is so hard, don’t you think?
You have got every reason to let go, but you just can’t! And each time you make up your mind so firmly about letting go, on the back of your mind you doubt the possibility of ever being able to let go. You fake a laugh, and force a smile everyday, trying to look perfectly "intact", though your inside is so broken up. At times you are so lost and confused that you are not even sure anymore whether someone else is actually living your very life. There is nothing to look forward to. Nothing. Sometimes you look at your own reflection, and suddenly you miss the old, happy YOU, but deep down you realize how impossible it is to be who you were again. Not after what happened. You fail to let go again and again despite how determined to let go. Then you start shrouding yourself with all kinds of nasty self-accusations because you just can’t let go. You detest it! Sad songs become your favourites, and there are certain special selections that you can’t bear with because there is always this lump in your throat every time you let yourself get carried away.
Letting go is just too hard! But coercing yourself to let go is even worse!
Anyway, right, i guess everyone is emotional when it comes to this evry topic, man. And yeah i have seen too many heart broken souls so of course it makes me witness how this has ruined lots of lives. Metting someone better? Dude, again this entrry is supposed to be for others, man...lol
Am i one of those you dedicated this entry to?
The past is what makes me who i am today, a stronger person..
To Pheaktra: Well, it is dedicated to heart-broken souls, and if you are one of them, then of course it is for you :-).
Anyway, hope that you will be able to let go, BarBEE, but do not force yourself too.
Thks for ur sympathetic reassurance. I'll try to treat the imperfections of my life as a dream, though its hard to do so, I still have to move on. A hug
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