
I feel a lot better today! I laughed a lot in class along with Tha, Hour, Mo, Thy and Paul. Well, there was nothing particularly funny happening within the walls of the classroom, but of course given our knack for making the most boring topics funny, it was not so surprising that we set off the ripple effect of laughter throughout the class during KS session. Obviously, laughter is the best medicine, but laughing too hard would do more harm than good, i am sure. Even though we were like cackling away, looking perfectly intact, I doubted whether You-Know-Whos were just faking all those laughs and smiles for the sake of appearing to be care-free and happy. I had to admit that they got me feeling worried sick.

Anyway, it was raining as we parted and headed for different destinations. I didn't wear the raincoat while i was riding my bike back home. I knew i could get into the relapse, but i didn't give it a damn. I was enjoying it when the raindrops came falling upon my face. It was sort of refreshing, i must say! I was also singing in the rain, much to the shock of the passers-by, i guess. They were gaping at me in disbelief as their bikes went past mine. Well, who cared? I did what was right for me. Anyway, I was not soaked through as i reached this internet shop near my house.


Unknown said…
Laughing and Smiling makes difference in your life! :) So smile together! hahah Ven, come on, why didn't wear ur raincoat dude? luckily, i got my sister :P will go wif her from now on haha... hei, u remind me of the time i was in rain u know! I don't know why, I sometimes want to drive when the rain's falling down. I feel the rain takes all my stress from my head. let's do that someday! :)
Sopheary said…
To Ice:
Hey, when u guys do that, let me in. I wanna do that, too, ok? I like rain in Cambodia. Whenever it was raining, I liked gazing at it and listening to the rhythm being played along. it was like a kind of natural symphony. But here, I don't like rain anymore. Dunno why. I like snow instead. When it's snowing, I always find myself doing nothing but watching the snow dancing. It's breathtaking when everything is white.

To Ven:
Hehe...can't believe u were riding your bike and singing to yourself in the rain. If I were the passer-by, I would have done the same, thinking you are a kind of ------(fill the gap yourself). hehe... By the way, seems like it helped a lot to do that. I might wanna give it a try one day when i go to Cam.
Sopheary said…
Anyway, i also feel good when u guys feel good. :-) We're oceans apart, but our emotions are still attached...hehe...so sweet...
Unknown said…
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain! hahah... the song remember? when there's raining, I'd love to listening to the song so much! u're very romantic, pm! gazing at the rain when it's falling down to the earth? haha. don't worry, u're counted in! rest assured that i'll call u to come all the way to PP and have a drive under the rain with us! haha... hei, can u take some shots of the snow for me? I'd love to see snow so much! :) yeah, pm! We're electronically and emotionally attached!
Anonymous said…
It's good to know that you are better now...
I'll be in cambodia tomorrow!!! :)
To Hour: yeah let's continue laughing together, dude!! Of course it helps a lot. Yeah we should ride the rain together one day, and i am sure it is going to be a lot more fun...heheh

To PM: thanks!! You are emotionally attached to us, i know!! Hour is right! When you are in Cam, we are just a ring away and we can shower together in the rain, singing to the rhythm of the falling raindrops. That'll be awesome;-)

TO Pheaktra: all the best for your trip , my dear!! Will see ya here at the stadium. can't wait!!!
Unknown said…
hhaha count me in! :) more than glad! hahha hope that time comes before sth is gone!
Sure will count you in!!! Sth is gone? What thing?

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