A Broken Chain Fixed

There is this cliche that goes like, "distance makes a difference". And i have to admit that i have long been grounded in this belief that it has become my justification for any breakups of long-distance relationship and friendship. Well, to date i am still clinging onto this notion, but then i am sure that there are, of course, some exceptional cases that have surfaced in an attempt to prove that this commonly-held belief is not entirely true. (oops...what am i thinking about?off the topic, i suppose!!lolz....)

Anyway, it didn't occur to me that things like facebook, hi5 and the like are able to bring people who have long lost contact together again until one day when i logged into facebook, only to discover that a BUNCH of my secondary-school classmates have been keeping in touch with one another through facebook ever since they graduated from Temesek. I saw those many photos they took together during their gatherings, all of which were very funny. And now that i have added all of them to my contact list, we are finally chained together once again despite the distance that keeps us all apart. We are trying to catch up with one another. To me, they all look pretty mature, a far cry from what i remembered back in secondary school years when they all were anything but mature.

Well, I have to admit that i was not very close to them at all. I didn't even BOTHER to hang out with any of them. Looking back, i didn't quite understand myself too. Probably i had certain nasty stereotypes towards them. Maybe i was not that mature as i thought i was back then. I sort of regret now! Anyway, if i pay a visit to Singapore, i will definitely long for a reunion.


Unknown said…
eh, i feel different thing.. I hang out a lot during high school but guess what? now, pp left me os heuy! :( i'm alone now...
oh dude sorry to hear that...guess sometimes things dun turn out to be the same.
Unknown said…
Yeah, i've long accepted the truth.. I also know that there's no any meeting that last long lolz... so jst treasure the time we left together lah! :) hehe
Barbie said…
Yes, there's no meeting without the lasting moments..., I wish I could make it last though :( I wanna grasp all the good things that's come into my life, and I just don't wanna let go anyone of them. Sounds so greedy, rite? I know I am...

Icy Hour: I've never forgotten them, and i won't forget all the great time I had in high school, but I think they are the one to leave me themselves, so wat? Distance's fault? Partly, I think.

I still keep in touch with 2 of my frns back in high school, but not very often :( so sad
Anonymous said…
so you are glad you joined facebook! :)
Anonymous said…
I agree with your idea. The long-distance-makes-a-big-difference notion cannot be applied as effectively as it used to be in the past when there were no existences of the technological networkings or communications such as Yahoo Messanger, My Space, Hi5, Blogspot and so on. Obviously, more and more friends and couples have been keeping in touch by these Internet means, and it's been clearly proved that this Internet stuffs do maintain the friendship and relationship not less effectively than the real-life contact. And more amazingly, some people even go out together and develope their relationship till it becomes marriage, after having been linked by the Internet. And u know what? I've been keeping in touch through e-mail with my friend Nimol till now for 6 years after we separated in grade 10. I long for the meeting with her when i pay a visit to Cam.

Well, if we give a deeper thought, we should be grateful to a small group of geniuses who have changed the world to become what it is now. And if we give even a much deeper thought, we should realize that this small bunch of people worked so hard just to improve our conditions of living and make everything more convenient, so we should take their samples and don't give up when encountering problems. Hold on! Why am I so talkative today? Actually, I have more to say...but i don't wanna bore u to death. hehe...
Anonymous said…
By the way, I can't see the pic u posted here. Neither my computer at home nor the one in the library can recognize this pic.
Unknown said…
Neither can I see the pic!!!
Pagna said…
I am so lazy to read the long long post. Just wana tell u a word. U know that ur skin is black, darky balck,right? But ur blog's skin is orange... ha ha!
Come on! Make it a bit more gentle blog. k?
To Ice: well yeah...what you say is true in a sense, but i think there are always exceptional cases,you know! Besides, this friendship thing is a combined effort between us and the other parties involved.
To BarBEE: good to know that you have kept in touch with some of them, if not all. I think everyone longs for the impossibility, yeah, so it is pretty natural that you are yearning after what is not within reach, but if you do believe in miracle, you should keep trying to stay in touch:-)
To Pheaktra: Yeah i am grateful for FACEBOOK, and of course, for you who added me in your facebook list first:-)
To Pheary: Er...a bit wordy, i guess, but anyway, given my exceptional flair for reading comprehension, i have managed to grasp your support for technological means of communication. I do too, but too much reliance on technology may hinder rather than foster communication.
To Ice and Pheary: guess there must be something wrong with the pic itself! Never mind! Let me try to remove it then...
To Pagn: Colour does not tell anything about who you are, so i dun give a damn about that. Anyway, i like this template! Go back to your forest, my monkey class monitor!!!
Unknown said…
haha ven, so long as u don't think that urself, don't care others' perception.. jst feel better for urself dude!! eh, so skin color no longer important! hehe... so what's wrong with BLACK right? BLACK is BLACK, BLACK has heart tah! lolz.. Oops, yis, i've mentioned the word BLACK for 5 times today... lolz :P

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