Friends Forever

You brighten my day
Help me choose the right way
You are my friend
You lend me your hand
Help me understand
You are my friend

And when my skys
Are cloudy and grey
You know
just what to say

'Cause we're friends
Friends Forever
And we're singing along
yes we're friends, friends
and we'll stay together
I know that's how we belong

You're there in good times and bad
When I'm happy or sad
You are my friend

I depend upon you
And I'll be there for you too
You are my friend

And when the years
someday make us part
you'll stay
within my heart

'Cause we're friends, friends forever
And we're signing along
Yes we're friends, friends
And we'll stay together
I know that's how we belong

There are no words I can say
To you for thanks I should pay

For being my FRIEND


Anonymous said…
Nice poem! or is it a song? How is the melody like?
Barbie said…
Good luck to all of you. B.F.F. Nice poem :)
To Vattey: it's a poem...not a song...hhe

To BarBEE: thanks, BarBEE:-)
Anonymous said…
It is actually a song...

We sing it in my school chorus.