SILENT KILLER, the one who killed "Angelo", Filipino actor

Never go thirsty when going to bed and besure you have plenty of water during your 8-hour rest. Bangungot has killed a male nurse of UERMMH. It is sudden death in adults which cause them to die while sleeping. Many theories have been put forward as its cause. However, here is an article which sheds some light to the cause of this malady.

Please read on: Article from THE PHILIPPINE STAR: The reported cause of actor Rico Yan's death is nightmare or bangungot. Medical investigators in China , Japan and several Asian countries who performed autopsies on persons who died from "acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis" found out that the majority of them had eaten NOODLES as their supper. This was a startling finding.However, it wasn't the noodles that caused nightmares but DEHYDRATION. Imbibing even with a few drinks of alcohol or just eating noodles immediately before bedtime compound this on an empty stomach will trigger an electrolyte imbalance and other factors that causes a person to dehydrate or lose water.It is therefore advisable for a person to take several glasses of water before bedtime if he had a few or several alcoholic drinks. Avoid eating noodles before bedtime, but if you can not avoid it, allow at least two hours for the body to digest the noodles before hitting the sack and drink plenty of water.The most important thing is, never go thirsty when going to bed and be sure you have plenty of water during your 8-hour rest.------------ --------- --------- ------------------ -------PLEASE PASS TO YOUR FRIENDS!


interesting topic... haha.. noodle is often my supper. aiya... hab to re-consider that heuy.. :D thx ne!!
Rithy said…
At least twice a month that i have noodles as my supper, especially at weekends when i usually return home late, hungry. I've been warned several times by my bro about eating noodles so often, most significantly before turning in. He said noodles is "HOT" and that i should avoid having it as supper. i guess i have always taken his advice for granted. and actually, in my room there are still many packs of instant noodles lying everywhere. to think back, one of those nights could have been the end of my life..M happy to be alive now (: Ok Ven, i will make sure i have plenty of water after my yammy yummy noodles.
Barbie said…
Oh my God! I used to have RAW NOODLE!!! as my supper!!! Scary!!! Thks Ven!!!!
To davuth: well...i think it sort of makes sense when we come to think of it, you know! You may still wanna enjoy your noodles but then just make sure you drink enough water'.
To Rithy: so you are one of the victims! I think your bro is so right! Try to eat noodles less often, man. So many preservatives, which are so bad for your health. And believe it or not, hair loss is one of the consequences of eating noodles too often.
To BarBEE: Now that you know how noodles can harm your health, you should really keep a good distance from those alluring packs of instant noodles...