Save YOUR life before you save others'

( The Egytian Symbol of Eternal Life)

Life must be lived forward but must be understood backward. Life is sometimes anything but joy. Life is sometimes accursed. Life is sometimes unfair. And life sometimes seems unworthy. At times—on countless occasions, in fact—emotionally vulnerable as we are, we are trapped as preys to what I would like to refer to as “stupid” thoughts that increase the already-rapid pulsing of the blood vessels, and that, in turn, push us towards the very edge of our lives by creating an illusion of an “exit” to a new, worry-free world, only to discover that the door is sealed and that the only way to be “freed” is to put an end to our lives through such most self-destructive acts as suicide attempts. However, as it transpires, life is an ever-growing tree, small and fragile at first, but big and strong as time goes by. Life is, moreover, a never-ending collection of self-instructed and experiment-based lessons being compiled one after another. Life is also a piece of clay. If molded well, it can almost take any forms, beautiful as they might be. But it can be nothing else but a mess without proper handling. Most importantly, life is a gift, a natural gift from parents, an educational gift from educators, a gift colored by friends and acquaintances and other people who really matter.

Your life does not give up on you! So please do not give up on your life!


Anonymous said…
What a meaningful entry. You never fail to produce such thoughtful post!! :)
PS: i know who this entry is meant for.
Thanks, pheaktra:-)...Hopefully this will in some way have some influence on You-Know-Who:-)
Anonymous said…
Thanks. But I have no comments for that.

From You-Know-Who
You-Know-Who, good that you show up! At least u have read and at least you might have taken it into consideration...All the best for ya, Anonymous!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I hope that you-know-who can be strong too!
Anonymous said…
hahaha...funny to read these comments!!
To vattey: Yeah, hopefully!!

To Pheaktra: funny? hehehe...well yeah...
Anonymous said…
I know You-Know-Who, too.
To PM: You're sure you do?
Sopheary said…
I'm sure I do. It's not that hard to figure out.
oh??? Sometimes, dun trust your instincts! They can be wrong!:-)