Practicum Observation

Oh God....! This feels really really good! During this ONE WHOLE MONTH, for the very first time, i feel so "freed". No pressure. No more deadlines to meet. No more rushing. What a big relief!!! I am starting to feel a lot better than i did a few days earlier. Or at least i am feeling better right now. I was observed for the last time this afternoon, and the result was more than satisfactory--or so i feel. And now i am starting to dread the last day with my students from Sisovath High School because i don't want to leave them yet. Believe it or not, for this couple of weeks, they have really impressed me with their language ability. And each day with them has been the day of a new lesson for not only the students, but also for me as a teacher. Looking back to the one-week practicum workshop, during which my mind was more than corrupted with all sorts of nasty stereotypes towards students in Sisovath in general, i am feeling guilty to the core now. It is unbelieveable how our lecturers could have come up with loads and loads of scary tales about students in high schools, most of which must have been made up and carefully rehearsed. Anyway, all the best to those friends of mine who are still waiting to be observed by respective supervisors, and all the best to those who have already been observed and given marks to!


Barbie said…
Congratulationsssss!!!! I'm more than positive that ur result must be a satisfied one :) So, you gonna miss ur students huh??? Of course, yes.

Good luck to you and to everyone :)
To BarBEE: thanks ya, my insect friend!:-) Yeah sure i will miss them loads,,,,wait until it's your turn and you'll know it, BarBEE...
Anonymous said…
man, the story of two good friends is a good example of telling your friend what you feel when you're treated in both good and bad ways. I agree that we must be open to our friends, spitting every single word out of our chest otherwise misunderstanding will pile up and break the relationship into pieces apart. i hope the resentment will be really blown away by the wind of forgiveness. And also hope that good deeds are not only engraved on the stone but also in the heart.
To Anonymous--who happens to be Ratha, our Potatoe friend, thanks you for paying a visit! So honoured, man! Of course, it is best that things are brought out in the open to be clarified before any more damages are caused!
Sopheary said…
Ratha? How surprising to see you here, Tha! Long time no hear. How is it going on?
Unknown said…
congrats ven! u've done ur good job! hope mine is not bad :(
To PM: wel...Tha said he'd sign up for a blospot account too. Can't wait to read his entries.

To Hour: i am sure you will do well too, dude.