My first time in KFC in Cambodia
Just got back from KFC with Hour, Mo, Nory, Tro, and Paul. Of course, i was very excited--as i always do, in fact, when it comes to KFC. I mean, KFC has always been my favorite fast food restaurant, thanks to its mouth-watering cheese fries. Unfortunately, there were no cheese fries on the menu, much to my disappointment, of course! Anyway, i still indulged myself in the two pieces of spicy chicken. Despite being years of being physically apart from KFC, i could still tell apart the differences in the taste of the KFC chicken in Sinagpore and that in Cambodia. But glancing at Mr. Colonel--or so he is called--was kind of comforting and it sort of brought back the faint smell of familarity. Well, there were a lot of foreigners walking over that threshhold of the restaurant, probably as excited as i was. As crazy as it may sound, i think something is missing. Something important. And without it, KFC to me would never be the same.