
Showing posts from November, 2011

The worms in ma brain again ...

So Ma students are so engrossed in slaving away at their hands for the test that they take no heeds of what I am up to now! Slumping rather uncomfortably into this wooden chair, i let my thoughts wander off. Everything comes squeezing into my little brain all at once: ma career path, ma love life, ma friendship, and my family. And at this point I am feeling the so-called "plateau effect" ... It's like what I discern from here is just this flat barren wilderness with vastness of such an immensity that will eventually wears out any lost wanderers like me. I do not see any promising futures in any forms nearby. And I start to panic and look around to see what I can do to land myself somewhere safer and somewhere more comfy. And I am still searching! Yes, it scares the hell out of me! It does! Sent from my iPhone